
School District Policies

Policies covering all aspects of your child’s schooling and education can be found at:


Student Handbooks

Student handbooks are distributed to students at the start of the school year or when they register during the school year.  Additional handbooks are available upon request in the main office.

2023-2024 Student Handbook

School Policies & Regulations

Students should abide by the following school policies and regulations:


Students will be marked late after 8:30 a.m. When a student has five (5) days of unexcused lateness, not necessarily consecutive, his/her names must be reported to the district truancy officer.

Attendance Policy

Every student is required to attend school daily.

Please read the District’s policy on attendance and Truancy:


Curriculum, Insturction & Assessment

Read all policies at The Office of Assessment Homepage

Curriculum and Instruction

Student Code of Conduct.



Internet and Computing Acceptable Use Policy

The School District of Philadelphia is providing students and its employees with many opportunities to access technology hardware, network systems and the Internet. This access is for education, learning, and research purposes only. At school students must agree to follow the rules of appropriate technology and Internet use. The following is a summary of the rules and regulations regarding Internet use:

1. Acceptable Use

Students will not copy material and hand it in as their own work.
Students will cite all URLs that are used in reports and projects.
Students will only visit web sites that are appropriate for children.
Students will not download any music or plug ins that take up valuable bandwidth and slow down the system.
The use of file-swapping and media streaming services, such as downloading and listening to music on the Internet is wasteful, disruptive, and is STRICTLY PROHIBITED on all District computers and networks.
Giving personal information on the Internet about yourself or anyone else is forbidden.
2. Privileges

The use of the Internet is a privilege, and as such the final decision regarding who has Internet access rests with teachers, staff, and administrators. Any violation of these rules will result in the loss of Internet and computer use along with possible suspension.
Students will only visit appropriate, teacher recommended and approved websites.
Email accounts are not allowed by the School District of Philadelphia without proper authorization from the principal.
Students may not attempt to harm or interfere with computer performance and/or systems.
3. Etiquette

Students are expected to follow rules for appropriate behavior on the Internet. These include, but are not limited to, the following.
Students will use appropriate language.
Information that a student retrieves from the Internet is for the student’s use. The student does not own it and did not write it. A student must identify where the information was found.
Students will not download files unless approved by the teacher.
4. Online Safety

Students will not give their last name, address, telephone number, or parents’/guardians’ work address or work telephone number to any one on the Internet.
If something is found on the Internet that makes a student uncomfortable or upset, the student will speak to an adult immediately.
If a student finds him/herself on an inappropriate site, the student will click the Back or Home button to leave that site within 5 seconds. The student will then tell an adult.
5. Truthfulness

Students understand that not all information on the Internet is accurate and correct. The School District of Philadelphia is not responsible for the accuracy  or the quality of the information found on the Internet.

6. Security

Moffet students will have many opportunities to connect to the Internet, however,  students will not visit the Internet without permission and adult supervision at all times.

7. Vandalism

Any student who intentionally damages a computer, the network, or any documents that belong to someone else will be held responsible and will face possible suspension.

Uniform Poilcy: The district has adopted a uniform policy

School Uniform

•Read The District Wide Parent & Famiy Engagement Policy http://www.phila.k12.pa.us/offices/administration/policies/918.pdf

The District Wide Parent & Famiy Engagement Policy
Parent/Guardian volunteers are welcome at Webster Elementary School. Volunteers may be needed to assist the teacher in many different ways, including working with children or providing help with preparation of learning materials. Parents/Guardians wishing to volunteer in a classroom should talk with the teacher to determine a mutually convenient time and discuss what the volunteer will do in the classroom. If it is necessary to cancel a scheduled volunteer visit, this should be done by the beginning of the school day. It is important to remember that all adults serve as role models for our students. Therefore, appropriate dress and speech will be expected of all volunteers when working at the school. In the interest of safety and security, volunteers will be permitted in the classroom only when the classroom teacher is present. All volunteers must sign in at the main office before going to the classroom.

Pennsylvania state law requires school volunteers to complete child abuse and state criminal background check forms.


Information on clearances to obtain for staff and volunteers here