Letter from the Principal

Dear Parents/Guardians of Webster Students,

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you for your continued support for the administration and staff at John H. Webster Elementary School.  Parental Involvement is extremely important for the success of your child at Webster.  We welcome you to participate in student activities, parent workshops, and community meetings that will be detailed in a monthly calendar that is sent home with your child.

Below you will find several policy reminders that have been in effect and I ask for your complete cooperation in adhering to these policies.

Uniform Policy:  All students must be in a complete uniform at all times.  Girls’ skirts must not be higher than 2” inches above the knee.  Girls must wear navy blue skirts, jumpers or pants, and a navy blue/light blue collared shirt.  Boys must wear navy blue pants and a navy blue/light blue collared shirt.  No hoodies are allowed over uniform shirts.

Late Arrivals:  Any student that arrives after 8:00 AM must be accompanied by a parent/guardian.  All students are to be in school at 7:30 AM on a daily basis.  If a student is at an appointment, he/she must be in school by 10:00 to be marked present for a full day.  He/she must also bring a doctor’s note at the time of arrival on the given day.  NO appointment cards are accepted as proof of attendance or as an excuse of absence.  All appointments should be made after school hours.
Early Dismissals: Early dismissals are done between the hours of 10:00 AM and 1:00 PM.  NO phone verification will be done for early dismissals.  NO students will be called or allowed to sit in the main office while waiting for their parent/guardian to arrive.  Only people you have listed on your student’s contact information (emergency slip) will be allowed to pick your child up.  They must be 18 years or older and must show proper ID.  NO EXCEPTIONS.
Student Contact Information:  Please be reminded that all student contact information must be updated if you move, change your phone number(s) or if you need to change emergency contacts.  John H. Webster School must be able to contact you at all times in the case of an emergency or situation that may occur with your child.  Please see the main office staff for contact information updating forms.

ADMITTANCE PROCEDURES: Students in K and 1 will go to the LSH Cafeteria.  Students in grades 2-3 will go to the lunchroom in MSH, students in grades 4 and 5 will go to the gym, entering ramp doors.  All students enter the main building at 8:20.  Students in grades K-5 will receive breakfast in their classrooms.

DISMISSAL PROCEDURES:  Students in grades K-1 will be picked up in their classrooms, door will open at 3:00.  Grade 2 will be picked up in the Gym and doors that lead to parking lot will open at 2:00.  All students in grades K-2 must be signed out by a person on the dismissal form that was signed by the parent. Grades 3-5 will be dismissed at 2:09 each day, according to their dismissal form in the schoolyard.

Back To School Night:  Our annual back to school night will take place on  Please make every effort to attend for your child, as this is a very important night to share information to the community.
John H. Webster Elementary School’s mission is to provide your child with a quality education and keep your child safe at all times.  I hope to have your full cooperation in adhering to these policies and procedures.  If you have any questions or concerns, please be sure to contact us at the above listed number.


Ms. Sherri Arabia
